Sunday, May 28, 2023

PowerShell: StringBuild AppendLine lessons from C

Two years ago I wrote a post, PowerShell: Inadvertently Returning Multiple Values from a Function and low and behold I found a found a common C# data type that is a common culprit of this issue, StringBuilder. I have coded C# for twenty-tree years and I did not realize the each Append* method of StringBuilder returns a reference to the StringBuilder.

To demonstrate consider this C# snippet:

var builder = new StringBuilder();

builder.AppendLine("Environment Properties:");
builder.AppendLine($"MachineName: {Environment.MachineName}");
builder.AppendLine($"UserName: {Environment.UserName}");
builder.AppendLine($"UserDomainName: {Environment.UserDomainName}");
builder.AppendLine($"OSVersion: {Environment.OSVersion}");
builder.AppendLine($"ProcessorCount: {Environment.ProcessorCount}");
  $"Is64BitOperatingSystem: {Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem}");
  $"SystemDirectory: {Environment.SystemDirectory}");
builder.AppendLine($"CurrentDirectory: {Environment.CurrentDirectory}");


In the documentation for the AppendLine method, AppendLine(String), the return value of AppendLine and each Append* method of StringBuilder is defined as follows:

A clearer way to write the above code in C# would be acknowledge the return value and to ignore it:

var builder = new StringBuilder();

_ = builder.AppendLine("Environment Properties:");
_ = builder.AppendLine($"MachineName: {Environment.MachineName}");
_ = builder.AppendLine($"UserName: {Environment.UserName}");
_ = builder.AppendLine(
      $"UserDomainName: {Environment.UserDomainName}");
_ = builder.AppendLine($"OSVersion: {Environment.OSVersion}");
_ = builder.AppendLine(
      $"ProcessorCount: {Environment.ProcessorCount}");
_ = builder.AppendLine(
      $"Is64BitOperatingSystem: {Environment.Is64BitOperatingSystem}");
_ = builder.AppendLine(
      $"SystemDirectory: {Environment.SystemDirectory}");
_ = builder.AppendLine($"CurrentDirectory: {Environment.CurrentDirectory}");


The following code shows PowerShell invoking AppendLine multiple times:

function Get-EnvironmentProperties {
    [System.Text.StringBuilder] $builder = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()

    $builder.AppendLine("Environment Properties:")
    $builder.AppendLine("MachineName: " + [Environment]::MachineName)
    $builder.AppendLine("UserName: " + [Environment]::UserName)
    $builder.AppendLine("UserDomainName: " + [Environment]::UserDomainName)
    $builder.AppendLine("OSVersion: " + [Environment]::OSVersion)
    $builder.AppendLine("ProcessorCount: " + [Environment]::ProcessorCount)
    $builder.AppendLine("Is64BitOperatingSystem: " + [Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem)
    $builder.AppendLine("SystemDirectory: " + [Environment]::SystemDirectory)
    $builder.AppendLine("CurrentDirectory: " + [Environment]::CurrentDirectory)

    return $builder.ToString()

$result = Get-EnvironmentProperties

Although it appears that the PowerShell function, Get-EnvironmentProperties, returns a string. Result (the return value from Get-EnvironmentProperties) in an array of 10 elements:

The method AppendLine is invoked nine times so the first nine elements of the array. The tenth element of the array (index of 9) is the string return in the last line of function, Get-EnvironmentProperties.

Below show a variant of the EnvironmentProperties function suppresses the return value from StringBuilder's AppendLine:

function Get-EnvironmentProperties {
    [System.Text.StringBuilder] $builder = `

    $builder.AppendLine("Environment Properties:") | Out-Null
    [void]$builder.AppendLine("MachineName: " + 
    $builder.AppendLine("UserName: " + 
              [Environment]::UserName) > $null
    $null = $builder.AppendLine("UserDomainName: " + 

    return $builder.ToString()

Suppressing the StringBuilder returned by AppendLine results in the the correct behavior, the lone return value is as string as is show below:

A variety of mechanism were show to suppress return value of AppendLine. From the performance stand point, Out-Null is the slowest but from a readability stand point, it is the most readable for all levels of PowerShell developer.

In my code I used the following approach as I learned C as my first programming language:

    [void]$builder.AppendLine("MachineName: " + 

With regard to performance and suppressing the result of a method/expression StackOverflow has an excellent post on the topic What's the better (cleaner) way to ignore output in PowerShell? A response by JasonMArcher demonstrates and Out-Null has the worst performance.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Visual Studio Code: Disable Format on Save per-File (including wildcards)

In this post, we'll explore how to disable the formatOnSave option for specific files, multiple files, using wild cards, and files with certain extensions.

Disabling formatOnSave for a specific file

To disable formatOnSave for a specific file, you can add the following setting to your settings.json file:

"[file path/filename.ext]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": false

Replace file path/filename.ext (noted in boldface) with the path and filename of the file for which you want to disable formatOnSave.

Disabling formatOnSave for multiple files

To disable formatOnSave for multiple files, you can add the following setting to your settings.json file:

"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[file path/filename1.ext]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": false
"[file path/filename2.ext]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": false

Replace file path/filename1.ext and file path/filename2.ext  (noted in boldface) with the path and filenames of the files for which you want to disable formatOnSave.

Disabling formatOnSave using wildcards

You can also disable formatOnSave for files that match a specific pattern using wildcards. For example, to disable formatOnSave for files that have a specific prefix, you can add the following setting to your settings.json file:

"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[prefix]*.ext": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": false

Replace prefix  (noted in boldface) with the desired prefix for the files you want to exclude from formatOnSave.

Similarly, to disable formatOnSave for files that have multiple possible extensions, you can use a wildcard to match the extensions. For example:

"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[file path/*.ext1, *.ext2]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": false

Replace file path with the path to the directory containing the files you want to exclude from formatOnSave. Replace ext1 and ext2 with the extensions of the files you want to exclude from formatOnSave.


And that's it! With these settings, you can easily disable the formatOnSave option for specific files, multiple files, or using wildcards.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Visual Studio Code: Disable Format on Save (settings.json: formatOnSave=true) per-File-Extension

I worked with two good engineers who loved auto format code (PowerShell) using Visual Studio Code's settings.json attribute. So I asked ChatGPT how to ignore the formatOnSave feature (trying out ChatGPT). Here is how to ignore Visual Studio Code's formatOnSave for a specific file extension. The steps to achieve presented.

If you want to exclude specific file types from being formatted on save, you need to configure Visual Studio Code to ignore those file extensions.

Step 1: Open the User Settings in VS Code

To configure the Format on Save feature, you need to edit the user settings in VS Code. To do this, open the Command Palette by pressing Ctrl+Shift+P (Windows) or Command+Shift+P (macOS), and type "Open User Settings". You should see "Preferences: Open User Settings" in the list of suggestions. Select it, and the settings.json file will open.

Step 2: Add the File Extensions to Ignore

In the settings.json file, you need to add the file extensions you want to exclude from the Format on Save feature. To do this, add the following code snippet:

"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"[md]": {
    "editor.formatOnSave": false

The code in boldface was added to the standard settings.json to ignore Markdown files. In this example, we're telling VS Code to enable the Format on Save feature globally ("editor.formatOnSave": true) and then disabling it for Markdown files ("[md]": {"editor.formatOnSave": false}).

Step 3: Save the User Settings

Once you've added the code snippet to the settings.json file, save the file, and you're done. The Format on Save feature will now be disabled for the file extension specified (the markdown extension, md).


In this blog post, we've seen how to configure Visual Studio Code to ignore specific file extensions when using the Format on Save feature. This can be useful if you want to exclude certain files from being automatically formatted when you save them. With just a few simple steps, you can customize this feature to suit your coding needs. 


I'd like to thank my high school typing teacher, Miss Joyce. I took one year of secretarial typing (on an IBM Selectric) and I type 120 WPM. I would like to think my mother for giving me the ability to write which I inherited from her. I would like that thank ChatGPT which wrote most of this blog. This is an experiment but ChatGPT is scary useful.

ChatGPT (writing PowerShell example) Will Replace Most of My Searches Targeting and

The Old Way of Technical Search

The modus operandi I use for most of my software-development-related research is to:

  1. Search using Google (yes, I prefer the results to Bing).

  2. Search with keywords and typically target the site that will give me the best results using Google site keyword such as:

    2.1 Find the man page for PowerShell's Invoke-RestMethod cmdlet: Invoke-RestMethod Note above the site: refers to

    2.2 How to use PowerShell's Where-Object to select a value in an array of arrays: filter array of string arrays PowerShell Where-Object Note above the site: refers to

  3. Read through and click on the results. For Stack Overflow (I have loved Stack Overflow for the last fifteen years), this is tedious because a lot of results need to be culled to find an answer to your question.

ChatGPT: the New Way of Technical Search

As an experiment, I asked ChatGPT to help me with a piece of code (yes, I could have written this code without searching) but it is complex code. Here are the instructions I gave ChatGPT:

  • I want to have a PowerShell array of type [PSCustomObject[]] and each element of the array is type [PSCustomObject[]]. I want to select all values where index 4 equals 'monkey'.
  • I want to have a PowerShell array of type [PSCustomObject[]] and each element of the array is type [string[]]. I want to select all values where index 4 equals 'monkey'.
  • [string[]] $a = 'x', 'y', 'z'; [string[]] $b = 'e', 'f', 'g'; [string[]] $c = 'q', 'r', 's'; [PSCustomObject[]] $a, $b, $c. Select all values where array index 1 equals 'f'.
  • enum SegmentIndexes { Region Subregion State }. Select index [SegmentIndexes]::Region equals 'f'.

  • Use the array from the previous example. I am not interested in an array of enumerations.
  • Use the array before that.
  • Rewrite the code with no comments and please put the type in front of the declared variables
  • I did not ask you return $filterArray so the last line is not needed
  • Do not use a ; when populating the hashtable
  • You are incorrect. The ; are still used in the hashtable

Here is the code ChatGPT generated which is correct:

enum SegmentIndexes { Region Subregion State } [PSCustomObject[]]$array = @( @{ 'EmptySlot' = 'x' 'Region' = 'f' 'Division' = 'a' } @{ 'EmptySlot' = 'y' 'Region' = 'g' 'Division' = 'b' } @{ 'EmptySlot' = 'z' 'Region' = 'h' 'Division' = 'c' } ) $filteredArray = $array | Where-Object { $_[[SegmentIndexes]::Region] -eq 'f' }


Over the past few years, one of the best people I've worked with is Stephen Durant of Stack Overflow. He is a customer liaison to corporate users of Stack Overflow. I do not normally praise someone for doing their job, but Stephen is really elite at his work. So, Stephen, I apologize because ChatGPT has filled many more of my needs related to technical search.


This blog was proofed by ChatGPT.