Sunday, March 24, 2024

Azure DevOps: Requiring Pull Requests to be Associated with a Work Item

Whether following Git Flow, GitHub Flow, GitLab Flow or Trunk-based Development certain policies are standard to source code best practices. For example. each Pull Request (PR) must be associated with a single task/story/epic (a linked work item). This post discusses Azure DevOps support for this feature.

For a given ADO Git repo, branch policies (such a requiring a PR to be linked to a work item) are set per-branch. There is no way to assign such policies to multiple branches. In order to set a branch's policies, navigate to a Repo's branches tab:

For a branch whose policy is to be set, click on the three dots to show the context menu shown below: 

From the context menu, select Branch policies. From the Branch Policies tab click on Check for linked work items:

Under Check for linked work items, insure the Required radio button is selected:

Git Branch Strategies

Requiring "check for linked work items" is set per-branch. Which branches this will be set for depends on the git branch strategy adopted.

Git Branch Strategy: Git Flow

For the Git Flow branching strategy the following branches would require a linked work item:
  • Main/Master
  • Develop
  • Feature
  • Release
  • Hotfix

Git Branch Strategy: GitHub Flow

For the GitHub Flow branching strategy the following branches would require a linked work item:
  • Main/Master
  • Feature

Git Branch Strategy: GitLab Flow

For the GitLab Flow branching strategy the following branches would require a linked work item:
  • Main/Master
  • Feature
  • Pre-Production
  • Production

Git Branch Strategy: Trunk-based Development

For the Trunk-based Development branching strategy the following branches would require a linked work item:
  • Main/Master
  • Trunk
  • Feature

Friday, March 22, 2024

Azure/PowerShell: Geolocating Storage Account White Listed IP Addresses

On a project, we had provided access to to an Azure Storage account by adding permitted IP addresses to the firewall (white listed IPs). These settings can be found via by navigating to the storage account and selecting Network under "Security + networking":

I was tasked with writing a script to list all the white listed IP addresses and display there geographic location. The returns (for free) the geo data associated with an IP address. This service is free for no-commercial use:

The PowerShell script to return this information takes two required parameters:

  • $resourceGroupName: resource group name associated with storage account
  • $storageAccountName: storage account name whose white listed IPs will be returned

The script in its entirety is as follows:

    [string] $resourceGroupName,
    [string] $storageAccountName

Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Set-PSDebug -Off
#Set-PSDebug -Trace 1

# FYI: Import-Module Az.Storage -ErrorAction Stop

[int] $exitCodeSuccess = 0

[int] $exitCodeError = 1

[int] $exitCode = $exitCodeSuccess

try {
    Connect-AzAccount -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null

    [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.Storage.Models.PSNetworkRuleSet] $networkRuleSet = 
        Get-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet `
            -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
            -Name $storageAccountName `
            -ErrorAction Stop
    [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.Storage.Models.PSIpRule[]] $ipRules = 

    $ipRules | ForEach-Object { 
        [string] $ip = $_.IPAddressOrRange
        [PSCustomObject] $response = Invoke-RestMethod `
                        -Uri "$ip" `
                        -ErrorAction Stop

        Write-Output ( `
            "$ip, $($response.isp), $($, " +
            "$($response.regionName), $($, " +
    } -ErrorAction Stop

catch {
  [System.Management.Automation.ErrorRecord] $errorRecord = $PSItem

  $exitCode = $exitCodeError
  Write-Host $errorRecord
  Write-Host "Exception Message: " + ` 
    $($errorRecord.Exception.Message)," +` 
    Stacktrace: $($errorRecord.Exception.StackTrace)"

return $exitCode

The Get-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet cmdlet is described as follows (see Get-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet):

IP Ranges versus Individual IP Addresses

The following $ipRules variable returns IP addresses and range of IP address:

[Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.Storage.Models.PSNetworkRuleSet] $networkRuleSet = 
        Get-AzStorageAccountNetworkRuleSet `
            -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName `
            -Name $storageAccountName `
            -ErrorAction Stop
    [Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Management.Storage.Models.PSIpRule[]] $ipRules = 

In the code sample above it is assumed $ipRules contains only IP addresses otherwise the following code where the service is invoked would not work as the expected parameter is an IP address not an IP address range:

        [string] $ip = $_.IPAddressOrRange
        [PSCustomObject] $response = Invoke-RestMethod `
                        -Uri "$ip" `
                        -ErrorAction Stop